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Magic with Merlin: Java networking enhancements
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Support for IPv6 addresses
Getting to know URIs
Listing network connections
Unconnected and unbound sockets
Secure sockets
Old classes, new tricks
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A look at the latest networking features in J2SE 1.4

Level: Introductory

John Zukowski ( networking enhancements)
President, JZ Ventures, Inc.
25 February 2002

Column iconThe package changed extensively with the Merlin release. Not only were six classes and three exceptions added, but also many of the existing classes were changed to support additional features, such as improving URL encoding and decoding. In this article, John Zukowski shows you what's new and different in Java technology networking, including the latest networking features in J2SE 1.4: IPv6 support, URIs, network interfaces, secure sockets, and unbound sockets. Share your thoughts on this article with the author and other readers in the accompanying discussion forum. (You can also click Discuss at the top or bottom of the article to access the forum.)

Networking in Java programming includes the ability to locate and identify resources and communicate over TCP and UDP connections. First you need to identify the resource with a name like, then open a connection to that resource, and finally send packets between yourself and the other end of the connection. Additional tasks may be involved for the sake of security, but the overall process stays the same. With the Java platform, the classes to support these operations are found in the package. From the early days of Java programming to the present, most of these operations haven't changed much. With Merlin, though, some of these basic operations have improved to support new and worthwhile features. In this article, we'll look at five such features: IPv6 support, URIs, network interfaces, unbound sockets, and secure sockets.

Support for IPv6 addresses
First let's look at the new support for the next generation Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) addressing architecture. With the help of two new subclasses of InetAddress -- Inet4Address and Inet6Address -- you'll be able to connect to TCP- and UDP-based applications. Inet4Address supports the older (and typically only) IP addressing style supported on most machines, in the form of for localhost. The new addressing scheme, defined in RFC2373 (see Resources), provides a colon-separated format, where 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 is the loopback address equivalent to The new classes allow applications to support one or both of the addressing schemes.

Support for IPv6 is dependent on the underlying platform supporting it, which is available for Solaris 8 and up and Linux 2.1.2 and up (RedHat 6.1+), but not Microsoft Windows (the Microsoft implementation for Window 2000 is a limited implementation). Expect a Windows version of J2SE 1.4 that supports IPv6 at a later time.

Getting to know uniform resource identifiers
The package now includes a uniform resource identifier (URI) class. Think of a URI as a uniform resource locator (URL) without a protocol handler behind it. Typically, URLs look like For the Java language runtime to understand the URL, it needs to know what to do with something that begins with http:. Previously, if you came up with a new protocol (for instance, something like jdbc:database), if there was no protocol handler, you couldn't treat the jdbc:database string as a URL. Instead, you had to treat it strictly as a string, which is what JDBC now does.

The typical form of a URI is [scheme:][//authority][path][?query][#fragment], where the authority is typically just a host name. However, it can also include user login information and a port: [userInfo@]host[:port]. The URI class itself provides a series of getter methods to get at the specific pieces of the URI. You should use this class where you previously passed around a string that looked like a URL, but was only intended to describe the URL -- not to be used as one.

Listing network connections with NetworkInterface
Have you ever wanted to know which networking interfaces were available, but didn't know how to ask without reverting to native code? Typically, most machines connected to the Internet have two connections: a local loop to themselves and a connection to their local service provider. Some machines, however, are multi-homed. They have multiple networking cards, each with a separate connection to the Internet and each with their own name and address. With the new NetworkInterface interface, you can specify which networking card is used when sending outgoing multicast datagrams, or just check to see if the network connection is currently up. Listing 1 demonstrates the class usage:

Listing 1. Listing network interfaces

import java.util.Enumeration;

public class Nets {
  public static void main(String args[]) throws SocketException {
    Enumeration enum = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces();
    while (enum.hasMoreElements()) {
      NetworkInterface net = (NetworkInterface)enum.nextElement();
        "Names: " + net.getName() + " / " + net.getDisplayName());
      Enumeration enum2 = net.getInetAddresses();
      while (enum2.hasMoreElements()) {
        InetAddress address = (InetAddress)enum2.nextElement();
        System.out.println("\tAddress: " + address.getHostAddress());

Your results when running this program are bound to differ. Listing 2 includes a sample of the output you would expect to see:

Listing 2. Sample results for Listing 1

Names: lo / MS TCP Loopback interface
Names: eth0 / 3Com EtherLink PCI

Support for unconnected and unbound sockets
Typically, operations such as reading and writing across sockets are blocking operations. Until the operation completes, the calling thread can't continue. With the help of the new I/O (NIO) classes of Merlin, the networking classes can now be non-blocking. In either case (blocking or non-blocking), the new InetSocketAddress and SocketAddress classes allow you to open a connection to a host and port, then set some options for the connection before actually connecting to the host. Listing 3 shows the basic sequence of operations:

Listing 3. Connecting to a host and port

String hostname = ...;
int port = ...;
SocketAddress socketAddress = 
  new InetSocketAddress(host, port);
SocketChannel channel =;

Look for more information on the NIO packages in next month's column.

Connecting with secure sockets
A new package in Merlin is This package offers secure communications using the Java secure socket extension (JSSE), more commonly known as secure sockets layer (SSL) support for https URLs. You no longer have to get a standard extension library for SSL support -- it now comes with the core libraries. By asking for an SSL socket from SSLSocketFactory, you automatically have a secure connection, assuming the server you're connected to supports the feature. After getting the socket, you don't have to do anything special -- it communicates in the exact same way as a normal socket.

In Listing 4, we use SSL to connect to a user-specified site, or Verisign, and fetch the entry page for the site. Feel free to save the output to a file to view it.

Listing 4. Connecting over a secure socket


public class SslSample {
  static final int HTTPS_PORT = 443;
  public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException {
    String hostname;

    // If host not provided, connect to Verisign
    if (args.length == 0) {
      hostname = "";
    } else {
      hostname = args[0];

    // Get socket factory
    SocketFactory factory = SSLSocketFactory.getDefault();

    // Get socket from factory
    Socket socket = factory.createSocket(hostname, HTTPS_PORT);

    // Send request
    OutputStream os = socket.getOutputStream();
    PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(os);

    // Setup command
    String command = "GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n";


    // Get response
    InputStream is = socket.getInputStream();
    InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(is);
    BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);

    String line;
    while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {


There is also an HttpsURLConnection class to use like

Old classes, new tricks
Not all the networking enhancements are through new classes (and packages). Many of the existing classes have been enhanced, too. Some features are mostly behind the scenes, like the improved FTP protocol handler. Its capabilities now more closely match those of RFC1738 and RFC959 (see Resources), including support for passive mode. In addition, the URLEncoder and URLDecoder classes support working with programmer-specified character sets for encoding and decoding. The HTTP digest authentication support has also been improved, and URLConnection header processing has been enhanced to support getting and adding headers directly.

Merlin adds many features to standard Java programming. Some features have been around for a while, but are finally being incorporated into the standard release. Some capabilities are new, while others are updates to existing features. As the use of Java technology grows, it's becoming more difficult to keep up with its expanding list of capabilities. Sometimes you need to dig around to find the gems, but keep looking -- they're there.


About the author
John Zukowski conducts strategic Java software consulting with JZ Ventures, Inc. and serves as the resident guru for a number of jGuru's community-driven Java FAQs. His latest books are Learn Java with JBuilder 6 from Apress and Mastering Java 2: J2SE 1.4 from Sybex. You can reach him at with Merlin.

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